With COVID-19 rules keeping everyone close to home, people have been appreciating the local walks and trails as they get their daily exercise, especially as spring arrives.

This photo was taken on Mt Jerrabomberra on a day made for walking, in early September. Native flowers were blooming and songbirds flitting between the gums and wattle.

The area forms part of an important wildlife corridor that links the eastern escarpment with the Murrumbidgee River corridor, west of Queanbeyan.

There is a main walk and a trail you can take around the mountain, either from the Karabar (steeper) side or the Jerrabomberra side. There are fine views from the summit.

The proposed new plan of management for Mt Jerrabomberra aims to formalise some of the informal trails as well as improve trails for walking and biking, and importantly provide facilities for people using wheelchairs. Some trails will be closed for restoration.

More signage would be useful for interpreting the bushland, the animals species it supports and the Aboriginal cultural heritage of the area.

The pandemic has changed life for everyone – some more dramatically than others – prompting reappraisal of what is most important and gratitude for what we have close to home.

All across our local government area, we have natural areas of immense ecological value. Protecting and restoring them should be a priority because safeguarding nature is essential for our wellbeing.

Greens on QPRC will work to protect and restore our local environment so that we continue to have places to enjoy and that support our unique native wildlife.

Authorised by Sylvia Hale for The Greens NSW, Suite D, 263-279 Broadway, GLEBE NSW 2037