The Bellingen Greens are pleased to have an editorial in the first edition of the Mid North Coast Arts Guide.

We have all seen the world become more divided along lines of race, religion and other beliefs. We know there are better ways of collaborating with First Nations’ people, with neurally and physically diverse people, and with those with different belief systems. All of us, no matter how we vote, want the Bellingen Shire to be a great place to live. Dominic, Jennie, Alison and Wendy are all deeply committed to working right across our Shire, with all its people, paying heed to the principles of social and economic justice, non-violence and environmental sustainability. They are all equally committed to making the Shire a better place to live.

They will be working tirelessly to ensure effective and responsible governance within Council, as well as renewed and focussed attention on the responsible stewardship of natural assets within the Shire. Each of them will work imaginatively with the private and public sector and NGOs to increase local resilience, including food security, and fearlessly advocate to help ensure housing becomes more affordable and less tenuous for our residents.

Dominic, Jennie, Alison and Wendy commit to working collaboratively with all elected Councillors to represent the people of the Bellingen Shire, and the vital natural assets for which we all have shared responsibility.