Dominic has served on the local council for 12 years and is standing for his 4th term.
Throughout his time on council, he has consistently defended the community’s voice, advocated for the protection of Bellingen’s unique and precious ecosystem, called for affordable housing, and advocated for social justice.
Raised in Western Sydney, Dominic grew up playing rugby union for Parramatta and working as a tradesman. He completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science and got his Graduate Diploma in Education. After the birth of his two daughters, he and his family moved to Bellingen, where he fell in love with the diverse and beautiful ecosystems and thriving community. He began working as a teacher at Bowraville State School and found his passion for mountain biking and growing local food.
With a relentless passion for this amazing shire, Dominic will not stop fighting to protect our forest, waterways and, of course, our community.
“The Bellingen Shire not only has the potential to be a place that demonstrates to the world that we can strike the right balance between looking after people and the environment, but it also has an obligation to do so.” – Dominic King.