Alison Heeley

Candidate for Bellingen

I have lived in Bellingen on Gumbaynggirr Country for 15 years. Upon moving to Bellingen, I co-founded the first iteration of the Bellofoodbox initiative, which supported local farmers, strengthened local food systems, educated community about eating seasonally, and offered healthy fresh produce for an accessible price.

Bellingen Shire has the potential to be a leader in resilient local food systems, community energy, ecosystem care and protection, and to be a creative, diverse, accessible place to live that supports connection and wellbeing for all. It needs leadership and support from the Council.
This role is a continuation of my previous work that has included youth mental health case management, carer support and advocacy, co-ordination and facilitation of OzGreen's Resilient Communities program, and community development with Mission Australia Housing - setting up community gardens in social housing settings.
I am deeply committed to working right across our Shire, with all its people, paying heed to the principles of social and economic justice, non-violence and environmental sustainability. I am committed to making the Shire a better place to live.
I will work imaginatively with the private and public sector and NGOs to increase local resilience, including food security, and fearlessly advocate to help ensure housing becomes more affordable and less tenuous for our residents.



    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    The housing crisis is breaking people, and governments at all levels are tinkering around the edges instead of making the big changes we need to address housing affordability.

    read more


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    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!