Council covers a huge area with a limited rates base, so every dollar counts.


On Council, we will:

  • Be transparent about Council’s budget and how your rates are being used
  • Ensure that community money is spent on the things the community values: roads, parks, the environment, thriving public spaces and facilities, and support for those in need.
  • Stop wasting money on those things the community has said are a low priority.
  • Hold public meetings each year to determine our budget priorities as part of our commitment to participatory democracy.
  • Increase local procurement and local employment and training so your rates stay within the local economy 


Active transport policy 

Active transport policy 

The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.

Making Council a Climate Leader

Making Council a Climate Leader

The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.

A caring Inner West: Early childhood

A caring Inner West: Early childhood

The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.

Arts and culture in the Inner West 

Arts and culture in the Inner West 

The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.