We’re at a pivotal point in the Hawkesbury’s future. If we don’t protect our wonderful heritage, environment and lifestyle, they’ll be gone for good. Council has the power to determine what the Hawkesbury looks like in the future, but we need strong leadership that’s focused on community needs and free of developer influence.

On Council, we will:

  • Strengthen Council’s planning documents (LEP and DCP) to protect what’s
    important to Hawkesbury residents – heritage, farmland, open spaces and the environment
  • Stand up to developers and the state government to make sure urban sprawl
    doesn’t destroy the Hawkesbury
  • Push for more diverse and affordable housing offerings such as detached dual occupancies, secondary dwellings and tiny houses in flood-free areas
  • Prevent further building on the floodplain
  • Push for climate-adapted buildings as standard
  • Increase affordable housing targets and developer contributions to affordable housing
  • Demand infrastructure before development to ensure everyone has a livable