Politics with integrity: why the Greens are different
All Greens Councillors are committed to The Greens values of ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice, and peace and nonviolence, but Greens Councillors are accountable to our local communities. We are bound by The Greens’ constitution to vote in the best interests of the community we are elected to represent, not a faceless party machine.
We don’t do deals, we don’t make decisions behind closed doors, and we won’t make promises we can’t keep.
The Greens never take donations from corporations or the gaming, liquor or property industries.
Our councillors make decisions based on evidence and principle, so you’ll always know where you stand. And you’ll always have our demonstrated commitment to hard work and honest discussion, whatever the issue.
Dominic King – we live in a beautiful part of the world
we live in a beautiful part of the world
Wendy Firefly – we are living on unceded Gumbaynggirr country.
We are living on unceded Gumbaynggirr country.
Build rent-capped, accessible council homes
We have a plan for council to directly address the housing crisis, by buying, investing in and building public homes.
Low cost renewable energy for renters
We have a plan to build a council-run community battery and solar network.
Reclaim our streets for people and nature
We have a plan to encourage the use of streets for community events. And we’ll reduce excessive visual pollution from advertising.
Active transport policy
The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.
Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.
Making Council a Climate Leader
The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.
Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.
A caring Inner West: Early childhood
The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.
Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.
Arts and culture in the Inner West
The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.
Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.