On Albury Council The Greens will take action climate change and protect the environment by:

  • Cooling and beautifying our streets with a minimum tree canopy cover of 45%
  • Upgrading Council’s vehicle fleet and tools to modern, quiet, electric-powered models
  • Ensuring our walking and cycling paths and outdoor parks and recreation facilities, including dog parks, have adequate lighting
  • Making sure that Council money is not invested in fossil fuel companies
  • Protecting and enhancing the natural environment through:
    • Prioritising threatened species conservation
    • Protecting existing and establishing new habitat corridors, including for pollinators
    • Trialling virtual fences for kangaroos to prevent wildlife injuries 
    • Reducing light pollution through sensitive lighting selection
    • Re-naturalising our concreted creeks
  • Extending the opening hours of libraries and swimming pools on hot days
  • Providing low-interest loans for solar panels and home battery systems
  • Ensuring the provision of well-maintained, safe evacuation shelters for natural disasters like floods and bushfires
  • Increasing solar car parks and electric vehicle (EV) charging station locations
  • Supporting households to build cat enclosures to protect pets and native wildlife