Tackling the Housing Crisis

The housing crisis is breaking people, and governments at all levels are tinkering around the edges instead of making the big changes we need to address housing affordability.

Council is prioritising luxury housing for wealthy developers over affordable housing for our communities. We should be building good-quality public homes that can be sold and rented cheaply.

Locals are being locked out of the housing market, and nobody wants to see our area become a place where only the rich and wealthy can afford to live. A vote for the Greens is a vote for bold action on the housing crisis.

On Council, the Greens will:

  • Advocate for social and affordable housing components in all new developments, and agitate for more public housing from the state government
  • Push for increases in housing density that will make homes more affordable and meet the needs of our communities, rather than wholesale rezoning to benefit big developers
  • Support affordable housing for key workers, to address the critical shortage of nurses, teachers, hospitality staff and other essential workers
  • Prioritise adequate infrastructure to accompany new housing developments, including more greenspace, public transport, schools, community spaces and healthcare facilities.
  • Ensure environmental protection when considering zoning and development
  • Stand up against the Minns government’s proposed zoning changes, which will give massive windfall profits to private developers, make land banking worse, and drive up the cost of housing
  • Support measures to decrease homelessness, including by supporting local frontline services



    Taking Action on Climate Change

    Taking Action on Climate Change

    Councils can lead the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. 2023 was the hottest year on record – it’s never been more important to elect Greens to all levels of government to push for further and faster action on the climate crisis.

    read more


    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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