Active transport policy 

We commit to:

Walkable suburbs

  • Improve amenities to enable safer and more accessible walking, including more drinking fountains/water refill stations, shade trees, seating, bins, dog facilities, shelter, appropriate lighting, public toilets and accessible crossings
  • Improve signage including street signs, directions and distances, historical sites, places of interest and local amenities
  • Audit footpaths for accessibility with an aim to remove uneven surfaces and obstructions, provide ramps, and widen narrow paths where practicable
  • Improve and increase pedestrian crossings and refuge islands in high pedestrian areas to increase safety
  • Work with the State Government to prioritise pedestrians by introducing pedestrian scramble at busy intersections, automate pedestrian lights where appropriate and increase pedestrian walk time
  • Implement 30km/h speed limits and traffic calming measures on residential local streets, main streets and school precincts to create low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs)

 Bicycle friendly Inner West

  • Implement a dedicated budget for active transport, including capital spending, dedicated personnel and surface maintenance/upgrades
  • Fully fund and complete the Inner West Council Bicycle Strategy by 2025
  • Support the creation of an Inner West bicycle network map that includes connections to neighbouring municipalities, identifying missing links
  • Create a continuous, connected and direct bicycle network, including completion of the Greenway, the City West Cycle Link and an East West link connecting Croydon to Petersham – Newtown cycleway, a Balmain Road Cycleway and feasibility study for Iron Cove Creek cycleway
  • Implement separated cycleways for council roads with heavy traffic, and advocate to State Government to do so for arterial state roads
  • Embed dedicated staff with focus on bicycle infrastructure in appropriate traffic teams
  • Where possible, provide cycleways separate from pedestrian paths and make crossings that allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross at the same time
  • Put pedestrian and bicycles first when developing transport and infrastructure projects as per IWC Integrated Transport Plan’s hierarchy
  • Fund free, accessible learn to ride classes for all members of the community, and provide bicycle service pop up tents throughout the Inner West LGA
  • Investigate parking reduction on main streets to allow for provision of bike lanes
  • Increase covered, secure bicycle parking in shopping areas, near schools, services and childcare centres, including for cargo and electric bikes
  • Work with rideshare companies to ensure helmets are always provided and there are adequate drop zones near new developments and busy precincts
  • Provide subsidised rideshare membership or public transport fares for residents who forego parking provision
  • Ensure ample bicycle facilities are integrated into new developments
  • Conduct media campaign to promote cycling by encouraging residents to ride bikes for local trips and promoting new safer cycling infrastructure