An Inner West for all: LGBTIQ+ Inclusion

The Inner West is one of the most diverse local government areas in the country and the Inner West Council is seen as LGBTIQ+ friendly. But it can do more to give space and voice to diversity and inclusivity, and to fulfil past promises to the community.

Greens on Council will:

  • Work closely with the LGBTIQ Working Group to ensure Council is the best ally possible to the LGBTIQ+ community, including the provision of appropriate sensitivity training for councillors and staff
  • Establish a dedicated Queer Liaison Officer position on Council staff which will ensure LGBTIQ+ initiatives are implemented and that issues relating to inclusivity are taken into account in all Council initiatives
  • Ensure that access to council spaces and services is inclusive
  • Ensure that gender-free toilets are provided wherever possible, including at libraries
  • Establish a branch of the Inner West Library featuring queer writers, non-fiction and publications
  • Install at an appropriate venue the promised gateway mural celebrating the marriage equality victory and diversity in the Inner West
  • Install a permanent rainbow crossing in the Inner West LGA
  • Install more rainbow Pride seats acknowledging local LGBTIQ+ legends
  • Install inclusive signage across the Inner West
  • Ensure Council continues to oppose the so-called religious freedom legislation introduced in the NSW and Federal parliaments
  • Encourage and facilitate more queer events, including intergenerational events
  • Support queer artists through specific grants and provision of space to work and exhibit.