Greg Clancy

Councillor for Clarence Valley

After 8 years as a Councillor, I have both the experience and knowledge to push for better ecological outcomes and fairer decision-making in Clarence Valley.

Mining threatens the Clarence Valley. Copper, cobalt and gold mines should not be allowed in our catchment. Coal-seam gas, although put on hold, could rear its ugly head again in the future.Filling for floodplain development threatens existing houses, and will put current and future residents at high risk with uninsurable homes. I have voted against inappropriate developments at West Yamba and elsewhere that would lead to poor environmental and social justice outcomes, and potential legal action. The ongoing loss of public sector jobs from Grafton is disturbing. TAFE facilities must be upgraded and the Country Universities Centre maintained to support skills development. The Clarence Correctional Centre provides local jobs, but we need to address why there are so many inmates.For over 40 years, I’ve played a major role in the local environment movement, from the 1980s Washpool and pulp mill campaigns to today’s ‘No Mines’ campaign and opposition to floodplain development. As a retired consultant ecologist who also worked for government departments, I’ve an extensive knowledge of planning and environmental legislation. I support biodiversity protection via the Clarence Valley Biodiversity Strategy, and was instrumental in getting Council’s Biodiversity Advisory Committee established. My own credentials allow me to raise the ecological implications of Council’s decisions. I continue to lobby for inclusion and support of minority groups, Aboriginal communities and outlying villages. I have also been heavily involved in many community groups.My vision for the Valley is a healthy, prosperous community respecting our natural world. Development needs to enhance our Valley, not degrade it. Small businesses and the self-employed, the backbone of the North Coast, must be allowed to prosper, bringing work and self-respect to our many unemployed. I have over 30 years’ small business experience. As a councillor I’ve always supported responsible financial management.I’ve made a worthwhile contribution during my 8 years on Clarence Valley Council. I have played significant roles in acknowledging the climate emergency, calling for a moratorium on mining in the Clarence Valley, keeping part of Brooms Head and Wooli Beaches 4WD-free, introducing a cat ban in a new housing subdivision, phasing out Council’s investments in fossil-fuel supporting institutions, updating and implementing the active transport plan, encouraging Council to work towards 100% renewable energy and fighting floodplain and other inappropriate development.My re-election will prioritise our unique environment and social justice, grassroots democracy and non-violence. I will continue to champion efforts to address concerns regarding Council’s culture, and to work for meaningful community engagement in its decision-making.


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