Click here to sign the petition to save the Tallaganda Forest!

Approximately 40 km south-east of Queanbeyan lies the Tallaganda State Forest, an area of over 58,000 hectares that includes habitats for an array of rare plants and animals such as the endangered Southern Greater Glider.

Following the 2019/20 Bushfires, many native species such as the Southern Greater Glider have seen their populations plummet due to the destruction of their normal habitats. However rather the protecting what is left to save these creatures from extinction, such as in the Tallaganda State Forest which currently has a population stronghjld, the NSW Government continues to permit unprofitable native forest logging to occur via the NSW Forestry Corporation. This is despite a dead Greater Glider being found near logging operations in the Tallaganda in 2023 which lead to a ‘stop-work’ order being issued by the NSW Environmental Protection Agency.

We call on all residents of the Queanbeyan-Palerang region to join in our campaign calling on the NSW Government to protect the magnificent native forests in Tallaganda and save the native creatures living there including the Greater Southern Glider.