Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore

Councillor for City of Sydney

Hi, I’m Sylvie. I’m an activist, organiser, feminist, and your Greens Mayoral candidate for the City of Sydney.

I love our city, but we’re facing big challenges. As rents rise and the cost of living soars, too many in our community are being pushed out of their homes and left behind. But it doesn’t need to be this way.

I’m running for re-election to lead an expanded Greens team and build a Sydney for all of us. We have a plan to tackle the housing crisis by building accessible, rent-capped public homes, ensure everyone has access to cheap, clean energy by launching Sydney Solar, a council-owned renewable energy provider, and make our city more affordable by expanding essential community services like early childhood education.

Because make no mistake, the City of Sydney has the resources to do incredible things, all that is lacking is the political will. With nearly a billion dollars in the bank and hundreds of millions in annual profit, the City of Sydney can and should be taking bold, transformative action to tackle the housing and cost-of-living crises. Instead, our current leaders sit and watch as more and more struggle to get by, all while developers make record profits. 

A vote for The Greens is powerful. Over the last term on council, as your sole representative, I’ve stopped the sell-off of public housing, forced developers to pay higher contributions to fund much needed affordable houses, passed planning rules to protect homes from being demolished and replaced with luxury apartments, and secured funding for a housing cooperative for trans women, an Australian first.

Working alongside community and local activists I was instrumental in banning gas from new developments, in repealing the undemocratic ‘two council votes for businesses’ law, and making council venue hire free for community groups. 

A Sydney where everyone has an affordable, accessible house to call home. Where the services and things you need to live your life are cheap and plentiful. Where the streets are vibrant and bustling, lined with trees, designed for people, not cars. Where public green space is expanded and our precious environment protected. That’s the Sydney The Greens will build. That’s the Sydney that by working together, is possible.



    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    Get in touch with Sylvie

    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!