Transparency and Integrity

Council is the closest level of government to the community. The Greens believe that everyday people deserve access to the Council processes which affect their everyday lives. Locals should be at the centre of decisions - not politicians or special interests.

The Greens will:

  • Trial participatory democracy and participatory budgeting elections, allowing residents to decide how ratepayers’ money is spent on parks and public infrastructure
  • Adopt a policy of accepting residents petitions, requiring Council staff and the Mayor to respond to community concerns<
  • Establish precinct committees, where smaller neighbourhoods can consult directly with Council staff about issues in their local area
  • Remove restrictions in Councils’ Codes of Conduct which restrict Councillors from engaging in legitimate debate
  • Livestream all Council meetings and permit residents to speak
  • Abolish fees attached to freedom of information requests
  • Conduct regular Town Hall Meetings to seek residents’ feedback on local issues
  • Support Council’s rights to de-amalgamate, and push the state government to fund the cost of de-amalgamation
  • Establish a Youth Council, with a dedicated budget and regular reports, to seek the feedback of young residents on issues of importance to the local community




    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

    Unlike Labor and the Coalition, we don't take corporate donations. The Greens are powered by people like you.

    Donate today and be part of the change you want to see in this country.

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    Local Government Campaign
