Members of our community have raised concerns about the removal of 10 beds from the Bellingen Hospital. In response, Mayoral Candidate Dominic King has spoken to Greens MP Dr Amanda Cohn, the Chair of the Upper House Health Committee, who raised this loss of beds in NSW Parliament and is willing to seek further answers.
“The loss of any beds in our small community is challenging. But I am concerned that without those ten beds, the government will soon claim that our hospital is non-viable.
Once again, we find ourselves rallying for this excellent service. Our community has a history of coming together for important causes. This is a local government issue because ALL levels of government need to show support for local health. Councils have a responsibility to advocate for their communities and send a strong message to the State Government that we will not accept any loss of services in our hospital.” – Dominic King.
This demonstrates why we need a Mayor who will be a strong voice for community concerns and has working relationships with MPs in the NSW parliament. A vote for Dominic King ensures we have a direct voice to the NSW Government.