Wendy Firefly

Candidate for Bellingen

I am standing as a candidate in the Bellingen Council elections as I believe in creating a balanced society within a balanced environment, and finding efficient solutions that don't cost the earth.

I am frustrated and angry about aspects of our current systems and will do my upmost to find effective solutions that create positive change.
I know there are better ways of collaborating with First Nations' people, with neurally and physically diverse people, and with those with different belief systems.
I am most passionate about: youth and community engagement to build strong community connections; sensible, sustainable, town planning that uses innovative ideas that create healthy spaces for all ages of our community; improving agriculture by working towards regenerative farming; environmental regeneration through water management, weed eradication, replacing grasses with native varieties and planting shade trees in public spaces to combat the rising temperatures; and local Indigenous rangers being the teachers and caretakers of our land.
I will be working tirelessly to ensure effective and responsible governance within Council, as well as renewed and focussed attention on the responsible stewardship of natural assets within the Shire.



    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    The housing crisis is breaking people, and governments at all levels are tinkering around the edges instead of making the big changes we need to address housing affordability.

    read more


    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!