Bellingen Shire Council


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Dominic King at Tuckers Nob

Dominic King at Tuckers Nob

Councillor Dominic King describes the impact that Forest Corp’s logging in Tuckers Nob has on biodiversity, and the Shire’s water supply. Bellingen Shire requires a strong Mayor to ensure that the amount of logging currently underway doesn’t continue.

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Taking Action on Climate Change

Taking Action on Climate Change

Councils can lead the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. 2023 was the hottest year on record – it’s never been more important to elect Greens to all levels of government to push for further and faster action on the climate crisis.

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Making our Communities Accessible

Making our Communities Accessible

Everyone deserves access to community spaces and Council facilities. But right now, Council’s lack of action is locking vulnerable people out of our public spaces.

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Transparency and Integrity

Transparency and Integrity

Council is the closest level of government to the community. The Greens believe that everyday people deserve access to the Council processes which affect their everyday lives. Locals should be at the centre of decisions – not politicians or special interests.

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    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!