We are in a cost-of-living crisis, and Council should be doing everything they can to ensure that everyday people can afford to live a good life.

Most cost-of-living controls are in the hands of state and federal governments, but Council can take steps to make people’s lives easier.

On Council, we will:
  • Budget and plan projects responsibly so rates don’t need to rise
  • Work with foodbanks and organisations that help the homeless to establish a safe, accessible hub to help get people back on their feet.
  • Provide vouchers for healthcare and concession card holders for additional free hard rubbish or mattress collection, or free tipping at Council’s waste management facility.
  • Keep the cost of hiring local halls and meeting rooms low for community, arts and culture groups, and make sure the Deerubbin Centre stays free of hire fees for community groups and not-for-profits.
  • Ensure everyone can swim safely by providing pool vouchers for healthcare and concession card holders.
  • Fight the sell-off of council-owned childcare facilities.
  • Partner with the Animal Welfare League – Hawkesbury and the Companion Animal Shelter to increase cat and dog desexing programs and microchipping.
  • Provide free sanitary products and free sunscreen in our libraries and community centres.
  • Work to establish local share-economy initiatives, like toy libraries and tool libraries, so locals can share cost-intensive resources.
  • Make sure our libraries stay free, with no fines or joining fees and free wifi and computer access.


    LGBTIQ+ Inclusion

    LGBTIQ+ Inclusion

    The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

    Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.

    Housing for All

    Housing for All

    The Inner West is an amazing place to live: vibrant and full of diversity. We’re lucky to live in a welcoming community where people care for one another and stand up for what matters.

    Our plan starts with a vision to make our community a leader in climate action. It includes a plan to stop overdevelopment, care for people and invest in our parks and greenspace.

    Better Environment

    Better Environment

    Our beautiful bushlands, rivers, and wetlands are a big part of what makes the Hawkesbury so special. Protecting these environments is significant for mental and physical health as well as the maintenance of habitat and biodiversity. On Council, we will: Protect our...

    Better Planning

    Better Planning

    We’re at a pivotal point in the Hawkesbury’s future. If we don’t protect our wonderful heritage, environment and lifestyle, they’ll be gone for good. Council has the power to determine what the Hawkesbury looks like in the future, but we need strong leadership that’s...

    Better Consultation and Accountability

    Better Consultation and Accountability

    Everyone’s voice matters. We’ll engage in active consultation where the community can come together to really have a say about services, how our money is spent, and what the future of the Hawkesbury will be. On Council, we will: Hold regular public meetings across the...

    Better Budgeting

    Better Budgeting

    Council covers a huge area with a limited rates base, so every dollar counts.   On Council, we will: Be transparent about Council’s budget and how your rates are being used Ensure that community money is spent on the things the community values: roads, parks, the...

    Better Towns and Public Spaces

    Better Towns and Public Spaces

    Great public spaces are vital for mental health, community building and economic activity.We’ll make our town and village centres thriving, safe and inviting spaces, and maintain our public spaces so they can be a place for everyone. On Council, we will: Improve...

    Better Roads

    Better Roads

    Our roads have really suffered during repeated natural disasters. We need to focus on getting them back up to standard. On Council, we will: Employ local road crews to keep jobs local, get roads back up to standard and repair them faster following disasters Increase...

    Better Youth Advocacy

    Better Youth Advocacy

    You deserve a council that advocates for the inclusion of all voices. Young people are underrepresented at all levels of government, despite being the future leaders of the Hawkesbury. Young people have continuously highlighted a lack of mental health support,...