We are in a cost-of-living crisis, and Council should be doing everything they can to ensure that everyday people can afford to live a good life.
Most cost-of-living controls are in the hands of state and federal governments, but Council can take steps to make people’s lives easier.
On Council, we will:
- Budget and plan projects responsibly so rates don’t need to rise
- Work with foodbanks and organisations that help the homeless to establish a safe, accessible hub to help get people back on their feet.
- Provide vouchers for healthcare and concession card holders for additional free hard rubbish or mattress collection, or free tipping at Council’s waste management facility.
- Keep the cost of hiring local halls and meeting rooms low for community, arts and culture groups, and make sure the Deerubbin Centre stays free of hire fees for community groups and not-for-profits.
- Ensure everyone can swim safely by providing pool vouchers for healthcare and concession card holders.
- Fight the sell-off of council-owned childcare facilities.
- Partner with the Animal Welfare League – Hawkesbury and the Companion Animal Shelter to increase cat and dog desexing programs and microchipping.
- Provide free sanitary products and free sunscreen in our libraries and community centres.
- Work to establish local share-economy initiatives, like toy libraries and tool libraries, so locals can share cost-intensive resources.
- Make sure our libraries stay free, with no fines or joining fees and free wifi and computer access.
Save Faulconbridge Mallee Ridge and Valley
The State Government has a rare opportunity to act NOW to protect this precious place in public ownership in perpetuity.
Protecting our Environment
Greens Councillors have a long history of standing up for the environment – often when nobody else will.
Tackling the Housing Crisis
The housing crisis is breaking people, and governments at all levels are tinkering around the edges instead of making the big changes we need to address housing affordability.
Bringing Down the Cost of Living
We are in a cost-of-living crisis, and local governments should be doing what they can to ensure that everyday people can afford to get by.
Taking Action on Climate Change
Councils can lead the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. 2023 was the hottest year on record – it’s never been more important to elect Greens to all levels of government to push for further and faster action on the climate crisis.
Making our Communities Accessible
Everyone deserves access to community spaces and Council facilities. But right now, Council’s lack of action is locking vulnerable people out of our public spaces.
Transparency and Integrity
Council is the closest level of government to the community. The Greens believe that everyday people deserve access to the Council processes which affect their everyday lives. Locals should be at the centre of decisions – not politicians or special interests.