Kym Chapple

Councillor for Randwick Council – Central Ward

Hi I’m Kym Chapple, I’m a lawyer, activist and mum of two girls and I’ve been your active Greens representative in Maroubra here on Bidjigal and Gadigal Land since 2021. I love this place, the beach, our headland and the engaged and our progressive local community.

On council I’ve stood with the community to help deliver FOGO in schools, a doubling of solar rebates and have been a staunch defender of our bike lanes. I’ve worked to push council further and faster on climate and affordable housing and to defend trees in our local area targeted for destruction including those at Maroubra Reservoir.
My first motion on Equal Pay for Equal Play means that Randwick Council now only supports sporting competitions where women and girls have equal opportunities and receive equal prizes. As part of your Greens team on Council we’ve got change which means council is on a path to dual naming and Aboriginal Economic Empowerment as a core objective in our plans.
Council is responsible for so much of what happens in our daily lives, and it should reflect who we are as a community. This means creating parks, playgrounds and community spaces that are inclusive and safe, libraries to inspire and bike and walking paths to get around.
It also means listening to community concerns, and doing what we can to stand up against a rigged system. I’ll keep working with you to stand up for renters and take practical steps on cost of living pressures.
There’s more to do. We need to stop the astroturfing and fencing off of green open spaces and protect our parklands from parking. We need to plant more trees to enhance our tree canopy. We need to stop corporate interests writing the rules. I’m proud to be part of a strong Greens team delivering on these important goals.



    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!

    Kym Chapple