Charlotte McCabe

Candidate For Newcastle - Ward 1

Hi, I'm Charlotte, your Ward 1 Councillor & Candidate

A strong Greens contingent on Newcastle Council will work with residents to:

  • Make Newcastle Council more accountable.
  • Gain a better deal for those struggling to afford housing.
  • Achieve a clean green future.

Newcastle Council needs to step up to help residents manage today’s cost of living, housing, energy generation and domestic violence challenges. Residents need to have more direct say in the decisions our Council makes.

I’m a community organiser, educator and mother of two, and have been actively involved in grassroots community campaigns since I moved to Newcastle 12 years ago. As a Ward 2 councillor, I have prioritised my campaign commitments of climate, housing, local business and cycleways.

I’ve been actively involved in other local issues, many of which extend across the LGA and into State and Federal politics. I have worked consistently to collaborate with other councillors whenever possible, securing for example, council support for changes to our DCP to protect local character and require electric heating and cooking for new residential buildings. I have also advocated strongly against the majority of councillors, for extension of the Supercars race and the 21-year lease of our public pools.

Greens Councillors will fight for:

  • Support for homes and businesses to switch to cheaper, electric systems.
  • Planning processes that are community-driven and transparent.
  • Creation of an Affordable Housing Officer position.
  • 50% public housing in new developments on public land.
  • Give residents the right to address Council before meetings.
  • Making Councillor briefings open to the public not closed sessions.
  • Allowing residents to address Council before meetings.



    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    Get in touch with Charlotte

    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!