Ashley Edwards

Councillor for Albury

Your councillor for Albury City Council. I'm an archaeologist and a mum of two living in Bungambrawatha/Albury on Wiradjuri land near the beautiful Milawa Billa/Murray River.

I’m an archaeologist and a mum of two living in Bungambrawatha/Albury on Wiradjuri land near the beautiful Milawa Billa/Murray River. I grew up on a rural property north of Albury and attended a local public high school. I lived, studied and worked in Naarm/Melbourne before returning to Albury in 2009. I have over 15 years of experience in cultural heritage management and now work in the public sector on cultural heritage policy, protection and repatriation. I have volunteered as an ethics teacher and coordinator for primary school children, served as the president of the local public school P&C Association and represented the community on council’s Sustainability Advisory Committee. I am also a member of the Albury & District Historical Society.
Elected to Albury City Council in 2021, I have successfully moved motions for a Climate Emergency Declaration and funding for trees and shade sails over playgrounds. I was proud to support the display of the progress pride flag in the council chamber and the replacement of the prayer in council meetings with a secular and inclusive affirmation. I’ve also advocated for more affordable childcare, gender equity, young people, support for victims of family and domestic violence, our CALD community, stronger carbon emissions reduction targets, our Reconciliation Action Plan and Urban Forest Strategy, EV charging stations, solar shade over council carparks, local pools and the rewilding of Bungambrawatha Creek. As chair of the Albury Animal Companion Advisory Panel, I work collaboratively with community, local animal rescue groups, vets and rangers toward the common goal of improving the welfare of companion animals. I also chair the Floodplain Risk Management Committee and represent council on the Sustainability Advisory Committee.
On council, I continue to fight for more public open space and the retention of native vegetation as habitat for our local endangered wildlife including large hollow bearing trees and paddock trees in residential subdivisions.
I’m passionate about climate action, diversity and inclusion and sustainable planning and development which I believe are key to maintaining Albury as an attractive, vibrant, liveable and climate-resilient city with green streets and spaces for current and future generations to enjoy.



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