Recent heavy rainfall has played havoc with council’s rural roads.
The effects of long-term neglect are on display. Unsealed roads are impassable in places. Sealed roads are opening up potholes faster than they can be filled.
Rural roads are a vital transport link for ratepayers and residents. There are no trains or trams in the country, and what buses there are need the roads.
On QPRC, The Greens will seek to reprioritise council’s spending, starting with the urgent review of the plan to spend $15.5 million on Monaro St.
We will seek to have the $10 million from the Drought Stimulus Funding reallocated to rural roads, which have suffered from drought and floods.
We will seek to pause council’s $5.5 million loan, the repayments on which will soak up money badly needed for road maintenance.
Authorised by D. Hayden for The Greens NSW. Suite D, 263-279 Broadway, GLEBE NSW 2037.