Kim Scott

Candidate for Port Stephens Council - East Ward

Kim Scott moved to Port Stephens 5 years ago. He is a passionate environmentalist with a keen interest in social justice. He will bring a fair and just voice to Port Stephens council and to the community at large.

The Greens will bring honesty and transparency to council.
We must not wholly submit to developers and councillors with selfish agendas. This area is for everyone and all of their needs should be considered. That's what The Greens will ensure.
I'm a former cafe owner who is passionate about the environment and cares deeply about social justice. I have assisted Soul Cafe in their community work and helped out in the kitchen and enjoyed delivering food with Meals on Wheels.
The Greens will ensure that every issue will be decided on merit with a considered, fair and just approach. With the community and their needs foremost in mind, we will make decisions based on what is best for all concerned.
Vote Greens - we are not beholden to the corporate dollar!



    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    Get in touch with Kim

    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!