Sophie Edington

Candidate for City of Parramatta Council - Epping Ward

My name is Sophie Edington, and I live and work in the Parramatta LGA. I am inspired by the work of our current Greens councillor, Phil Bradley. If so much good can be done by just one Greens councillor, just imagine what we could achieve with two!

Phil has achieved so much in Parramatta: improving our building standards to make our new builds more environmentally sustainable; protecting our heritage buildings; getting the council-owned PHIVE facility built to a 6 Green Star rating; protecting and improving our tree canopy and green spaces; and many more things.
I live on the outskirts of Epping ward, that no-mans-land between LGAs that neither council really wants to focus on. Have you ever noticed how footpaths and crossings just peter out at the LGA boundary? I want to get councils cooperating to improve facilities in these border areas. For instance, the frankly dangerous Doomben Avenue / Blaxland Road junction and the lack of a sane cycle path to Epping Station. Is this neglected because it would also benefit residents of Ryde? Can we get these two councils to cooperate?
I am frustrated that I live on a street full of apartment-dwellers who have no safe access to the green space across the main road. We know green space is incredibly important to mental health. It promotes physical exercise and decreases stress. It brings communities together. We look at the playground, oval, bush walk, child care centre, and wish there was a way there that didn’t involve a mad dash across four lanes of traffic - possibly with a rest between the crushed barriers of the pedestrian refuge.
I have spoken with residents about the perennial issues with traffic congestion through Epping and the lack of a good solution. Likewise, the difficulty getting from one side of Epping to the other for people with prams and wheelchairs now the ramp has been replaced with an endlessly broken lift. These issues need a voice in council to get them fixed with good, long-term solutions. Likewise, the concern that Epping has become a dormitory suburb, a place to store workers overnight, with little attraction in itself, and Carlingford doesn’t fare much better. Ever hear anyone say, “Fancy wandering down to Epping for brunch?” I would like to see Epping Ward develop vibrant community spaces that are well-advertised and attended. I would like to see people have opportunities to stay local when they want to go to a cafe or bookshop and support small businesses so that people can not just sleep in Epping Ward but also work and relax here as well.
Furthermore, I am ambitious about what we can achieve in tackling the big issues locally. Climate change is affecting us. Local government has a lot of tools for making and facilitating real, on-the-ground change. Moreover, we have a responsibility to implement protective factors, such as ensuring building projects include measures to protect occupants from extreme heat, that planning is designed with increased flood and storm events in mind, and reducing urban heat by greening our suburbs.
If elected, I will be a voice speaking up for inclusion. I am horrified that Sydney councils have been exerting their power to ban books in their libraries that give representation to families like mine. It is imperative that we have councillors who will stand against such bigotry in government. As a disability carer, I have experience of the barriers facing some members of our community and some of the ways we can make our facilities more inclusive. I am passionate about erasing barriers to inclusion and celebrating humanity in all its beautiful diversity.



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