Mora Main

- Candidate for Waverley – Lawson Ward

I'm a long term Charing Cross resident and a former Mayor of Waverley. I believe that climate challenges need clear thinking and strong action by our Council.

I have lived in the Charing Cross Conservation Area since 1984, served as its Precinct Convenor for over a decade and had three terms as a councillor for Lawson Ward.
I am and have been a staunch advocate for heritage conservation. I have utilised Council to strengthen the community’s voice against rampant overdevelopment. After a long career with NSW Housing Dept as a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer I am well placed to understand Council’s strategic planning and how to navigate complex development applications. My work with NSW Nature Conservation Council planning working group has informed me of the importance of enhancing our urban tree canopy while maintaining local biodiversity. I am a founding and continuing member of the Fred Hollows Foundation, and organise Aboriginal Medical Service fundraisers. Both of which have been incredibly fulfilling. I will work to:
- Seamlessly connect Bondi Junction mall & rail
- Protect Charing Cross and local heritage zones
- Restore local planning to stop overdevelopment
- Promote public transport and cycling



    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    Tackling the Housing Crisis

    The housing crisis is breaking people, and governments at all levels are tinkering around the edges instead of making the big changes we need to address housing affordability.

    read more


    People want strong action on the cost of living and climate crises, and a council that represents their values.

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    With more Greens on Council across NSW, we can tackle the housing crisis, lower the cost of living, and stand up for the environment. Join the movement!