Protect and expand existing tree canopy

Protect and expand existing tree canopy

Keeping our towns cool with a Tree Strategy Our tree-lined roads and lanes are a big part of the character of our communities, yet residents are often having to rally to defend these trees from over zealous roadside clearing plans. So far this year there has been...
Safe, Affordable Childcare for All Little V.I.P.s

Safe, Affordable Childcare for All Little V.I.P.s

Childcare Isn’t Just Kids’ Stuff Your Greens team stands firmly on the side of working mums and dads who want the very best for their little V.I.P.s and need the best to be affordable. Here’s what one of our members has to say about the importance of childcare: “Not...
A more accountable and accessible council

A more accountable and accessible council

On the new Eurobodalla Shire Council of 2022 we will introduce measures to increase, rather than erode, residents and ratepayers access to participation in council proceedings. We will be repeating Greens Councillor Pat McGinlay’s calls for the re-instatement of...
Environment Action

Environment Action

Environmental Protection and Regeneration We are fortunate to live in a leafy green shire but with rezoning of land by the State Government, the arrival of the (much needed) Metro and the housing affordability crisis, rapid urban development is placing increasing...
Beat the Heat with Greener, Shadier Suburbs

Beat the Heat with Greener, Shadier Suburbs

Danger! Extreme Heat! Watch Out! Climate change is having a bigger and bigger impact on every aspect of our lives in Blacktown. That’s why, in February 2020, Blacktown City Council declared a Climate Emergency. We were part of the grass-roots campaign pressing for...
Better Air Quality, Zero Waste

Better Air Quality, Zero Waste

Green Bins are Only the Beginning We’d like you to meet Rob, one of our members, speaking for many when he asks: “Where are the green bins?” Council’s answer is that the household and garden waste in our red-topped bins is taken to Eastern Creek and...
Shining a Light on Council Practices

Shining a Light on Council Practices

Here’s our Torch The torch with a powerful battery. A standard piece of equipment in a Greens toolkit. People around the country would like to be sure that public assets of all kinds are used wisely and well, and that public money is spent where it is needed and...
Better pathways for connected communities

Better pathways for connected communities

Many of our pathways in the Eurobodalla are incomplete and not safe for what should be easy trips to the shops. This can discourage people from walking or cycling those short trips where the use of a car should be able to be avoided. We need to remove the barriers to...
Action on climate now

Action on climate now

With your support, Greens on Council will repeat Greens Councillor Pat McGinlay’s 2019 call for Eurobodalla Shire to join 99 (and counting) local governments in Australia, and thousands world-wide, to declare a Climate Emergency. We will work with Council staff to...
Safe, Well-lit Streets and Alleyways

Safe, Well-lit Streets and Alleyways

Safety after Dark for All Does the way ahead look a bit murky once you’re out of range of the street lights? That murkiness is a problem in too many places in Ward 2 and indeed throughout the Blacktown LGA. It shouldn’t be like this. All residents should be able to...
A Level Playing Field

A Level Playing Field

Play fair, Blacktown Council! Be a good sport! Blacktown is an active, sporting city, but the playing field here in Ward 2 is anything but level. Let’s compare the quality of sport and recreational facilities in Lalor Park with that of the facilities in Kings Langley...
Up the creek—grab your Greens paddle!

Up the creek—grab your Greens paddle!

A Clean Bill of Health for Ward 2’s Waterways? Blacktown Council would be the first to admit that local waterways aren’t good advertisements for Council’s environmental management. A glance at the most recent “Waterway Health Report Card” posted on its website...
Our plan for Burwood

Our plan for Burwood

  1 – Stop overdevelopment Our community is being destroyed by overdevelopment and a lack of community-focused planning. We will ensure local development rules are appropriate and that all new development is in keeping with the community’s expectations...
Public Spaces

Public Spaces

We will fight for: Open green space within walking distance from home, as it is key to an active, healthy lifestyle. Open spaces and trees in new developments. Council to ensure adequate land is set aside for parkland when rezoning areas from industrial to...
Planning and Heritage

Planning and Heritage

Planning and Stopping Overdevelopment The community must be involved in planning decisions. Councils must take every opportunity to ensure communities are genuinely heard when determining priorities for land use and development controls. Councils must ensure new or...
Urban Tree Canopy

Urban Tree Canopy

Offsetting the heat island effect Trees reduce heat, provide vital habitat for wildlife and reduce air pollution. Each 10% of tree cover reduces ground temperatures by over 1 degree Celsius. Councils must commit to an increase in urban tree canopy, setting a generous...
Waste Management and Resources

Waste Management and Resources

Waste Management Conduct a review on waste management and recycling with the aim of moving towards a circular economy. Introduce food organics collection for all homes. Rainwater Harvesting Water is precious. Councils must take a proactive approach to the approval of...
Council’s Responsibilities–the Basics

Council’s Responsibilities–the Basics

  Roads, Rates, Rubbish … FOOTPATHS? A Council should never be so busy doing new things that it neglects the responsibilities that it has always had.  Take footpaths, for example. Going for a walk in Ward 2 should be a relaxing, pleasant, safe experience. Walking...
Protect Bayside’s beautiful wetlands

Protect Bayside’s beautiful wetlands

Bayside Council is in the process of redeveloping Barton and Riverine Parks. This is welcome news for residents, but we are concerned that the development does not sufficiently protect our wonderful waterways and wetlands. Landing Lights and Eve Street Wetlands are...
Too Hot to Play? Our Action Plan

Too Hot to Play? Our Action Plan

It’s Time to Cool Down Ward 2 Playgrounds “One hot day last summer my granddaughter was in tears after trying to play on the slide. It was so hot it was burning her.” Len Hobbs, our lead candidate for Blacktown, Ward 2. The problem–burns are just not...